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Everything posted by sergei

  1. If don't know how to add a POST request with a form data I recommend you to use WAPT Pro 2.0. It records all request. Then you can copy a necessary POST request in WAPT 6.0.
  2. You can add a necessary request manually. Or you can try WAPT Pro 2.0 from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro2.0.zip
  3. I think you should properly parameterize your profile.
  4. You can perform a verify test and look to a full log. I think some error occured between logon and logoff.
  5. There isn't limitation for a variable size. Could you give me an example of such long URL?
  6. I've checked IP Spoofing, it works. If you select some IPs in Load Agent Settings / IP Address List dialog, that Load Agent will use them for virtual user simulation. Could you describe your problem in more details?
  7. Yes, WAPT simulates different users which act simultaneously.
  8. We've added to WAPT Pro 2.0 ability to use variables in a server name. You can download WAPT Pro 2.0 from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro2.0.zip
  9. Please, send your scenario file to support@loadtestingtool.com.
  10. In WAPT you can change an URL path, but can't change a server name during a test.
  11. You can use registration codes from WAPT Pro 1.0 with WAPT Pro 2.0
  12. You can't do that. Why do you need this feature?
  13. You have to lock a file each time when use it. Open the file exclusively. Others will wait while one Load Agent unlock it.
  14. Now you can make a global variable only via JavaScript, a file and a manual synchronization. Possibly we will add global variables in the future versions.
  15. Sorry for delay, we are preparing the version for release. Fixed. You can download the new build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro2.0.zip We can't reproduce this issue. What is your OS? We can't reproduce this issue. Could you describe it in more details, please?
  16. We have fixed the operator "if", but you have to recreate your profiles. You can download the new build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro2.0.zip
  17. WAPT records scenario, but doesn't generate script for it.
  18. Yes, you can use all that Windows Scripting Host can do.
  19. Yes, you can read a data from a file and initialize a variable. For example, you can place the file to a network share, give an access to the file for Everyone (for remote Load Agents) and use following JavaScript code: var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var file = fso.OpenTextFile("\\\\Server\\Share\\filename.txt", 1, false); context.variable("XML") = file.ReadAll();//You should create "XML" variable in advance
  20. You can upgrade from WAPT 6.0 to WAPT Pro 1.0 and use WAPT Pro 2.0. I've sent you a coupon by email.
  21. In IE settings you can enable or disable "Display mixed content" option in Custom level dialog of Security tab.
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