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Posts posted by avin_mehya

  1. Hi,

    We have a situation here where the request headers are identical barring just one difference with respect to content type. In the recorded request this happens to be application/json while during test the charset gets appended to the content-type. 

    Response is returning an 500 Internal Server error as the method is throwing Null Pointer exception. This request with charset was posted through browser as well and it failed.

    I tried to add a request header with the below values so it would overwrite the automatically generated header. But that returns with content-type. Is there a way where we can send this request by isolating the charset part from the content-type.

    Recorded Request

    content-type: application/json

    Test Request

    content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8



  2. In WAPT Pro 4.7, a part of Profile property was "User Think Time" while in WAPT Pro 5.0 the property is clubbed under Intra-session load volume options "Think time after page load".

    Are these two options same or is there a difference in their functioning

    Because as i can understand the current option which is "Think time after page load" seems to be a more aggressive option while running bench-marking tests. We can always exercise the option to run tests with the time specified in page properties but they seem to be too slow. What kind of option can be used to get a common ground with the real world simulation?

  3. I will elaborate a little bit more on our requirement. We have a page which displays different charts about activity across locations etc.


    There is a drop down for Currency and upon changing the same the charts get changed. The interim request calls during such a change are of Web sockets only.


    We need to get response time of such requests between the send and receive of web sockets.

  4. We are trying to achieve this using a Batch file. This batch file has been called inside WAPT using Javascript.

    Issue here is that the Batch file individually runs fine. Also the same runs perfectly fine inside the browser console. But when we run this through WAPT, this fails.

    Is there some step which we are missing?


    We have IE11 on WAPT machine and i presume that WAPT uses the same.


    Below is the Javascript code



    var myObject = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
    var result = myObject.Run("D:\\welcome.bat");
    log.message("Batch File executed successfully");
    Welcome.bat file contains code to place files to a remote server.

  5. Hi Team,

    We have been performing performance testing of our application UI using WAPT 4.3


    We have few scenarios which involve a two part process:

    - First part involves FTP of a file

    - Second part takes place from UI where we process the file which was FTPed in first step


    Second step can be achieved using WAPT


    We wanted to understand by any chance can we also work upon the first step using WAPT.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hi,


    Is it possible to customize the standard HTML reports? There is a lot of data which appears in the HTML reports which includes Summary Report, Performance Data etc. As per my understanding these reports are created on the basis of xsl defined in the WAPT Installation Path (\ReportTemplates)


    The current format is fine and the same includes enough data but we would want to make certain modifications as per our standard report.


    Few of the modifications which we would want to do are:


    -> Errors in all the profiles should be integrated as per the report. Currently these are as per profiles. Also in addition it should include the error code as well. For Example: Network Error can be a 10054 or 10061.


    -> We also want to include some Custom Graphs and rather than keeping graphs separately we wish to project them along with the data.



  7. We have a testing scenario which consists of few profiles. During execution we receive few network errors in the response header either


    Network error: 10054 - "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host." in the response header or


    Network error: 10060 - "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."


    As mentioned in this forum(http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/topic/45-failure-socket-error-10054/) we have tried playing around with the think time for all requests still we are getting these errors.(Set to as high as 15 seconds or Specified in Request)


    We have also checked with our network team to validate the load balancer configuration or drop of packets but that also is fine.


    Also this issue is not consistently observed, sometimes for 1000 users there wont be any network errors and on few runs there are around 30-40 network errors of 10054 code. We have checked logs on the IIS server and we do not get any failures on that end.


    We have also changed few other parameters i.e. work queue length, worker processes,connection setting on load balancer etc. but still we keep on getting these errors


    We have monitored CPU Utilization, Memory, I/O etc but there is nothing alarming even on that front.


    What could be the issue with the same. Is there a way to debug these errors as they give out very minimal details.


    Note: We are using WAPT Pro 3.5 with 2 load agents

  8. We have a lot of scenarios to record and most of the scenarios go upto 400 pages or even more.


    Also Page Names are set as Page URL's by default so the execution report finally is a lengthy one and its difficult to read because in most cases on the application under test URL's are appended with Invoice ID'S which is a very long one.


    Hence we are looking at setting Page Names in a more distinguishable good manner so it would reduce manual effort of changing page names one by one and add value to the final report.

  9. Hi All,


    I am trying to use the HTML TITLE tag under HEAD to use under the Name property for each page. The same has to be used using JavaScript and once the script has been verified than all the Page names should get changed as per the Title tag. This will in turn help in easier viewing of the Report. And effort will be saved for each and every user entering individual page names.



    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    ABC :: Log On




    JavaScript can be accessed using

    var title = context.document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].innerHTML;



    How can we access the internal Name property and set the same using variable created in Javascript

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