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Guest pky

Different user per profile

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Guest pky

I have just started using this tool and created one test scenario and few profiles in it. Each profile requires to login, so i kept all the username and password in one file and tried to read the users, but all the profile reads the first value. Can we use same file for different profiles and get different information?

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Guest pky

Thanks Sergei.


Yes, using separate files works fine. But since the data are the same i.e username and passwords only i tried using single file. Can't we use single file for all profile?

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You can use the single file but in this case usernames and passwords will be repeated for each profile. If you have 2 profiles and for example use $LOrder by users:

user1 from profile1 will use login1

user2 from profile1 will use login2

user1 from profile2 will use login1

user2 from profile2 will use login2

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