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Guest strangemood


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Guest strangemood

Dear Engineers


We have just implemented a huge oracle application (ERP ) in the company where most of the work flow will be going on, and before this application will be published I'm supposed to create a stress test for the application itself as well as the hardware part (server). And here what i have reached using your application.



1. I have down loaded the WAPT pro software on my own pc. (registered version)


2. Configure different profiles.

3. created more than one different scenario ( e.g logon through the application by my account ,leaving some changes inside there then logging out)

4. running the test after recording the previous scenarios.


Thus following the quick guide of the software somehow.


And here is the point : it appeared that the result provided by this software is from local host not

detecting the main oracle server where the performance result should come ( Disconnect my network card during stress running ).

I searched several resources from the net to figure out a way how to do this work properly but nothing showed to the main point .

Therefore is it possible to get some help on how to let this application communicate directly with my server and how i can do that?


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