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Everything posted by sergei

  1. With an error or without? First of all check the firewall settings. What version of WAPT do you use? Is there something in the proxy settings of browsers?
  2. As I understood only one random parameter from ctl00$MainContentPlaceHolder$Repeater1$ctl00$Webdatagrid1$ctl02$txtEdit2 ctl00$MainContentPlaceHolder$Repeater1$ctl00$Webdatagrid1$ctl03$txtEdit2 ctl00$MainContentPlaceHolder$Repeater1$ctl00$Webdatagrid1$ctl04$txtEdit2 ctl00$MainContentPlaceHolder$Repeater1$ctl00$Webdatagrid1$ctl05$txtEdit2 ctl00$MainContentPlaceHolder$Repeater1$ctl00$Webdatagrid1$ctl06$txtEdit2 etc.. should have a value. I suggest you to create variables for all these parameters and use JavaScript operator to randomly initialize only one variable with value, all other should be empty.
  3. # is a hash mark. The part of URL after hash mark is never send to a server. You can find more in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier
  4. If you want to see HTML content of the page switch the view in "View as" combobox from "Browser view" to "Text".
  5. You can create variables with username and password using ordered list. Then you can use them in JSON request just typing $Var(VarName).
  6. Hello Niko, Sorry for the delay. "binRequestBody" section contains an originally recorded request. If you want to change the request you need to modify BinaryData section. If the request was never modified in WAPT you need to add BinaryData section to the request manually. We do not plan to add a possibility to save unzipped data, so you need to unzip and unbase64 request data manually.
  7. Could you give me more info about your problem?
  8. For a better understanding of your needs could you give me or send to support your profile and log file?
  9. binRequestHeader are originally recorded headers, you can't change them. If you want to change a some header of request, you need to change data in Profile/Main/Document/Request/Headers/Header.
  10. We have added Find & Replace for HEX view. You can download the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro4.3_64.zip
  11. We have fixed the bug. You can download the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro4.3_64.zip
  12. Could you record a screencast video of your issue? Here is a useful tool for screen recording: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com You can use any other tool or just make screenshots with a description. You can send a link to video to support.
  13. Thank you for the information. We will fix the bug shortly.
  14. Could you create a new scenario in WAPT Pro 4.3 and try to run it?
  15. We have fixed the bug. You can download the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro4.3_64.zip
  16. Thank you for your information. We research and fix the problem shortly.
  17. Usually it means that your request is wrong. You need to parameterize request properly. You can check the WAPT log to find the reason.
  18. Your site requires TLS. It is supported in the latest version of WAPT.
  19. Thank you for the information. Now I see the problem. We will fix it shortly.
  20. What versions of WAPT and browser do you use? I tried and successfully recorded the site on the latest version of WAPT.
  21. What versions of WAPT and Firefox do you use?
  22. There is not a tutorial for this but you can use my previous instruction. It depends on your testing goals.
  23. What do you mean by "to test bugs"?
  24. You can get a value for specific process using following code: counter.WMIGetValue("Select * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process where Name = 'exampleProcessName'", "exampleParamName", 0)
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