Author: Ivan Lisitsyn

Ten names for load testing

Ten names for load testing

Load testing is a wide and established area of IT knowledge and software development practices. There are many professionals who specialize here and testing gurus ready to provide useful advices and even teach you a theory on the subject. Surprisingly, the mentioned gurus often do not agree with each other on the very basic terms used in this field.

If you search for information on load testing, most probably you will also find articles mentioning such terms as “performance testing” and “stress testing”.

Are they all just synonyms? Everybody agrees that they are not, but still different sources provide different definitions for these terms.

The most confusing point is the difference between performance and load testing. Some people reasonably say that […]

HTTP Redirects
Testing practice

HTTP Redirects

Each HTTP response produced by a web site contains status code. Browser uses that code to interpret the meaning of the response. Basically there can be three different cases:

The request has been processed successfully by the server and the response body contains the requested resource (web page, image, etc.).

An error has occurred.

Server redirects the request to a new URL.

In the latter case the response contains a special “Location” header in which the new URL is provided. When browser receives such response, it automatically issues a new request using the specified URL. This way it can be redirected even to a different web site. The whole thing is done automatically, so the user does not see the process in the browser window. […]

Variables and parameters
WAPT usage

Variables and parameters

In the previous post I demonstrated how to parameterize a simple profile. That profile consisted of only three requests. First request opened the main page of a web forum with sub-forums listed on it. Second request opened one of the sub-forums. Third one opened a topic inside that sub-forum.

The goal of the parameterization was to make WAPT open a random sub-forum on the second step and a random topic on the last step. Initially both were recorded as constant values.

The main idea was that when we want the value of a certain request parameter to be dynamic, we can use special functions to extract it from server response to the previous request. […]